Who am I?
Hi! My name is SirBlazzit. I'm a 20 year old University Student and I have been running Minecraft servers since I was 10.
I originally got Minecraft for my 8th birthday back in 2012 and haven't stopped playing it since (much to the chagrin of my parents lmao).
I started creating my own servers for my friends and classmates to play on back in 2014 (although pretty janky) and eventually started creating larger servers for communities and content creators.
I've worked on more than 20 servers in the past 10 years ranging from Small Servers for Friends, to Local High-School/University Servers, to Whitelisted Streamer SMPs, to Large Commercial Servers.
Over the years, I've been basically every rank, including: Owner, Staff Manager, Community Manager, General Manager, Creative Director & Head Admin.